Monday, January 31, 2011


My guitar has been with me since I was twelve years old. It wasn’t until recently that I started to learn to play. A guy who lived on my hall last year taught me a few basic chords and from there I taught myself a few more. I am really bad at strumming though, so I’m currently working on that.

Today I played for about an hour and a half, trying to get the strum pattern down for Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift. It’s a beautiful feeling, playing the guitar. I mean, sure I get frustrated when I mix up the chords or strum down, instead of up, but making the mistakes only makes getting it right all the more better. I love the feel of the instrument in my hand and I love the way my fingers feel after I’ve played for a while. They’re tender and sometimes numb, which makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something.

If only I had to patience to play a song for more than ten minutes before moving on to another one. Maybe if I could do that I could learn songs faster.

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