Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Ten

I've decided that every Tuesday I'm going to make a list of ten things... of what I like, don't like, did over the weekend, whatever I feel like.
I tried this previously, but it never worked out.. But I am going to stick with it. So here's the first of the Tuesday Ten.

Ten things that make me flustered and discombobulated.

  1. When multiple people start talking to me at once. I try to listen to everyone at the same time and so even though I may be looking at one person, I am trying to listen to the other person while reading the person I'm looking at's lips and I get confused and angry.
  2. When a car is tailgating me at night. I hate the way the light shines in the car and I try focusing on the road in front of me and the car behind me.
  3. When people are late. I hate standing around waiting for people and I start to get nervous and freak out. Were they in an accident? Did they forget? And what makes it worse is when I text or call them and they don't answer! Don't waste my time, please.
  4. When I haven't seen or talked to someone in a really long time that I don't even know very well and then I see them randomly and have to make small talk for a few minutes. I don't know why I get so flustered, but I do.
  5. When someone is rushing me to get ready and be out the door. I have to run around looking for my stuff instead of taking my time and I usually end up forgetting something.
  6. When I'm driving somewhere for the first time, alone. I get so nervous driving to places that I don't know how to get to. I'd rather have someone in the car with me telling me the way.
  7. When people talk about things in front of me that I don't know the details to and then won't tell me because it's a secret or something. First off, it's rude. Secondly, I'm nosy anyway, so just tell me.
  8. I know I mentioned when other people are late, I get flustered. But I get even more flustered when I am late. I like being places on time. I like meeting people on time. I'm just an on time kind of person.
  9. When people start interrogating me and asking me the same questions over and over again.
  10. When I can't find one last thing that gets me all hyped up.

1 comment:

Mallory said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your Tuesday Ten list! #3: waiting for people to meet you in dhall! haha. can't wait to get together when the semester starts :)