Friday, December 2, 2011

Winter Break Wish-List

Well, friends, the end is drawing near. Tomorrow is my last day of classes as a first semester junior and in the year 2011. (Actually, that's a lie because I will be taking a class over winter intersession.) But the end of 2011 is coming. How weird is that? I distinctly remember freshman move-in day down to what I wore, and what I did. But then again, how could we not forget the horrendous New Lancer Days?

Anyway, I've mentally packed everything that needs to go home with me this weekend, so that next weekend won't be so bad when I have to take my whole life home. (*Mental note to sell back my textbooks next week.) It's the physical packing part that will be rough for me. Looks like I'll need to drive back to the apt. after lunch instead of getting on the road right away. It's okay though. Won't take me long. It's just clothes.... then again, maybe it will.

Over winter break I aspire to do the following things:
*Sleep until 12pm every day.
*Take pictures of anything.
* Thoroughly explore the wonders of Maymont Park (with my camera of course).
*Make Christmas cookies
*MAKE someone a Christmas present instead of buying one (snow globes from pinterest, anyone?)
*Make/eat green bean casserole (I've been craving it ever since Thanksgiving)
*Make a YouTube video (so that Ellen will see me and ask me to come on her show)
*Avoid the dentist like the plague..... but I'm overdue for a visit. :(

Yeah, it's gonna be great.

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