Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As the clouds grow darker and darker out my window, I'm struck with the feeling that something dangerous can happen today. Tornado watches, tornado warnings, severe storms, heavy rain, strong winds... all of these are words I do not like hearing. And living on the tenth floor of a building doesn't exactly appease the worry either.

The worst part of the storm is not in this town, but I still don't like the storms.

And then, like always, I get to thinking about the kind of storms in my life. Am I living for God every day? No? There's a storm. Do I judge people too quickly? Yes? There's a storm. Do I procrastinate daily? Like I'm doing right now? There's a storm.

There are constant storms in my life and I try to go around them, but that just ultimately leads me to another storm. So to avoid those storms I try to go through them and end up getting sucked up by a tornado so to speak.

It's so amazing how wrong I am all the time, when I like to think I'm right. But of course, God slaps me across the face and tells me to get over myself.

I like this trait of His.
I think when I go to heaven, we'll be tight.

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