Anyway, I've been worn out between working, having a puppy, working, getting ready for school, working, hanging out with friends, and working I haven't had much time to blog. I feel like I haven't even had much time to sleep. :P
This coming week Monday - Friday is that last day of work! YES! And then it's to the beach (: And then it's back to school. Oh my, how this summer has FLOWN by! I'm looking forward to going back. I love my two roommates - they are my sisters (not like my sisters... they are). I'm looking forward to seeing my wonderful BCM family (even though some of my closest friends are now graduated and moving on in their schooling/careers/lives). I'm looking forward to meeting the incoming freshman and help shape their college careers. I'm not looking forward to classes. I'm really not. And I know it's dangerous to go in already feeling this way, not enthusiastic about it already but I can't help it. I honestly think this is the first year that I haven't been excited about school. I'm such a freak about being excited, and this time I'm just not.
Maybe it's all those years of being excited when I shouldn't be excited for school coming back to bite me in the butt. It's like "Haha! This is the most important schooling of your life and I'm gonna ruin it!" Stupid.
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