You know, I've seen a lot of girls post on their blogspots/tumblrs/facebooks/etc. pictures of their purses and its contents, but never have I seen someone upload about their bookshelf. Since I am a bibliophile I felt I had to do this immediately.
This is my bookshelf.
Gilmore Girls seasons 1-7. The complete works.. because it's important.
The last two books of the Karen Kingsbury Redemption series, and the last four books of the Karen Kingsbury Firstborn series. The first Firstborn book is on my nightstand.
*These books were borrowed from Jordan.
Three Cups of Tea is a phenomenal book. I'm only on chapter four, but I love it already. I've actually been reading it for about a year and have only gotten that far. It's kind of hard to follow what with all the Palestinian names and the mountain climbing jargon, but I will finish it someday. Screwtape Letters has been on this shelf since I bought it. I have so many books that I need to read and I always manage to pick up something else before I pick up this one.
I haven't finished The Da Vinci Code, but I've started it. I've seen the movie, so I know what it's about, but I still want to read the book. This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen is my favorite "teen" book ever. And then of course there's The Bible. I don't use that one. The one I use is the NIV and it's on the dresser beside my bed.
Boys Will Put You On A Pedestal (So They Can Look Up Your Skirt) is a funny book my Nana gave me a few years ago. Touch Points for Students is a really good book too. I've kind of been using it for devotions more than reading material. But it helps me nonetheless.
The Irresistable Revolution... 'nuf said. And Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister is really good too. I'm about halfway through. It's written by Gregory MacGuire, the author of Wicked.
I have a huge problem with starting books and then putting them down for so long I have to reread them. The Phantom of the Opera and No Country For Old Men are examples of this. I've read the first maybe three chapters of Phantom of the Opera and the first six chapters of No Country For Old Men. So I definitely need to reread those when the time comes.
I made this portfolio my junior year of high school for my Teacher Interning class. I LOVED interning with Mrs. Willoughby. She was phenomenal and I learned so much from her.
Some people read The Night Before Christmas; but every Christmas Eve I read The Nutcracker. It's my favorite Christmas book by far.
Harry Potter books 4, 5, and 7. I don't own 1, 2, and 3. I have no idea where my number 6 is. :P
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Vol. 1 and 2. My Grandma gave me these a couple years ago. I've only read the ones I like though. Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Macbeth.
My favorite children's books. The others are in storage in our garage. The only kid's book that's missing is You Are Special by Max Lucado. That is in a box underneath my bed.
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