Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It All Barrels Down

As the end of the semester/year gets closer and closer, I'm struck with the realization that most of my friends are graduating in three weeks. Holy. Crap. My mentors, friends, sisters, brothers, and allies are leaving come three weeks and when I return in the fall they won't be here. Okay, maybe a few will be here for grad school, but the likelihood that I'll actually see them is slim to none. They'll be busy working during the day and taking night classes. BCM will be bare of familiar faces for the first few weeks and my weekends will probably consist of remembering all the good times.

Okay, I'm overreacting. I'm sure I'll see them plenty... maybe. These past two years have flown by and I know that next year will fly by just as quickly. I'm getting closer to that point where soon I'll be thinking about my own graduation. I just got my invitation to participate in Longwood's ring ceremony in the mail - the step before graduation. I am really excited to get my college ring, but at the same time, it's just one more stepping stone to leaving this second home of mine. Actually, it's more like a home home here, now. I just frequently vacation at the home of my family during winter and summer breaks. Aha.

As these thoughts all jump around my head, I try to keep calm and carry on, but sometimes a girl just has to have a freak out moment. I'm going to lose some of my dearest friends. And keeping in touch has never been my strong suit. It doesn't help that they live all over Virginia and gas prices seem to be increasing and increasing. "Yes, Lindsey," I tell myself, "It's all part of this cosmic plan of the universe to raise gas and tuition prices and lower chances of a college kid getting a job therefore causing you to be broke all so you can't see the friends you've made."

But I'm not paranoid or anything.

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