Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Ten

Tonight, I was thinking about.... something. And I was like wow that would make a great Tuesday Ten. Wait a minute. What day is it? Tuesday! Perfect!

Dear husband,

  1. Surprise me a work for no reason other than to eat lunch with me.
  2. Just grab me randomly in the kitchen and start dancing with me (with or without music).
  3. Be silly with me. Go along with my antics. Be spontaneous with me. I don't like sticks in the mud.
  4. Come over just to hang out with my brother. I'll act offended, but I really think it's cool.
  5. When I'm upset, don't ask me what's wrong, just hug me and let me talk when I'm ready.
  6. Take me to an arcade or amusement park. Movies are okay for rainy days.
  7. Never feed me. I'm not a baby. I know how to use a spoon.
  8. Go out with your friends. Lord, knows I need time with the girls.
  9. I secretly don't mind if you tickle me.
  10. I may slip up and make comments about how celebrities are hot and how cute a guy is. But I chose you.

Yeah, you can shoot me later for being all mushy. But I'm in a mood.

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