As of Monday evening it was official that beginning in August 2011 I will be living in an apartment with my two friends Jordan and Anne.
I love these girls to death and would do anything for them. We three have grown so close over the course of the semester and to live together next year will be amazing! We three LOVE to sing and so I know that spontaneous karaoke nights/days/mornings/any-times will occur frequently. Anne will cook her buffalo (crack) dip and Jordan will cook her Mexican dip and I'll make my oreo truffles and we'll gain ten pounds each and be happy together singing our show tunes and watching One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, and Pretty Little Liars.
It'll pretty much be like having a girls' sleepover every night. Except no tickle fights; we're not into that unless Rosita's around. ;) ahahaha. She's the most ticklish person I know!
And of course, Justin informed us tonight that he's making himself a cot in a corner of our apartment and camping out, especially if he cook him food. Well, Justin, make yourself at home because our apartment is going to be EPIC.
But I do believe I said I was living in your closet way before Justin got a cot, and it's only fair that I should be mentioned in such a post. I'm just sayin.
:-P can't wait to visit next year :-D
Amanda! You don't have to live in the closet, just kick Justin off the cot and make him sleep on the floor. Or better yet, take the couch! I heard it's comfy (:
Are Aunts allowed to crash the place of Epic-ness????
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